Snapshot Survey
Author: Thomas Christian | Digital Marketing Coordinator at EGIA & OPTIMUS | August 14th, 2024

How Do You Consume Contracting Business Educational Content?

In the July 2023 Snapshot Survey, we asked contractors about how they consume contracting business educational content. Here’s one survey question and its results from the summary report, which is available in it’s entirety by Contractor University members here.

How Do You Consume Contracting Business Educational Content?

EGIA Snapshot Survey - Contracting Business Educational Content

The prevalence of shows, videos or podcasts (88%) indicates that ongoing education is becoming a part of regular business maintenance because of the content’s serial nature. Only half of respondents participate in ongoing business education through their preexisting trade association, which means the other half of respondents have gone out of their way to ensure their own ongoing learning, beyond benefits to which they already subscribe. This points back to ongoing training becoming recognized as a key to growing a business across the industry. However, the large amount of respondents also turning out for speaker events and conventions (65%) still speaks to the power that more one-off events hold over the industry as long as they hold clear value for their attendees.

Here’s what an home services contractor from Alabama said in the survey:

“While it can be difficult to fit into the schedule, training always pays off.”

Contractor University members can click here to access all of our resources on contracting business educational content and training.