Best Practices Library Update
Author: Cristina Hanson | January 24th, 2022

EGIA Contractor University Library Update 1/24/22

The following resource has been added to the Contractor University Resource Library. Contractor University members can click the resources below to download the new resources and start using them today!


8.16 Sales Lab Live – Strategies and Live Role Play: In this comprehensive workshop, Weldon Long and Drew Cameron talk about some powerful sales strategies and best practices when it comes to creating relationships and closing sales in the home. This sessions includes a real-time sales presentation role play, in which Weldon goes through the entire process with a real couple at the kitchen table, followed by questions from the audience and a point-by-point breakdown of what he did right and what he did wrong during the conversation.


9.10 The Customer Conversation Template: Utilize this one page process to define the work a Service Professional has when conversing and maintaining a client conversation. The basis for this one pager is to create your company version. To facilitate a 1 page format for service teams to train and practice but also as a guide in front of the call. It should be part of the standard operating procedure (SOP) of any company to control client experience, sales processes, and the how and why of a sales discussion.


4.5 Budgeting Tool for Planning: Utilize the newest years budgeting tool for creating a full plan for each month and a lead plan by week, with all marketing and KPI’s broken down, and a linked pricing system for dual overhead, as well as gross profit per man day. This budget tool is detailed but it doe s produce the break-even costs, the overhead per day, the numbers of leads from service and maintenance, the lead forecast, and a estimated marketing budget and finally the pricing systems for a contractor as part of the programming logic. It contains a marketing planning system as well. Watch the video to learn more.