MCU Content
Author: Thomas Christian | Digital Marketing Coordinator at EGIA & OPTIMUS | July 25th, 2024

Sales Strategies for Emergency No-Cool Calls

As the summer rush continues, you’re likely being inundated with no-cool calls. Emergency no-cool situations are very different than planned replacements, so it’s never more important – both for your customer and for your business – to ensure your whole team is following the correct process every time they walk in the door.

In the fifth episode of Seizing the Summer 2024, New York Times bestselling author Weldon Long lays out the framework you need to know when seeing an influx of emergency no-cool leads this summer. You’ll brush up on crucial repair-vs-replace rules, get tips on how to rearrange your job board for maximum results, and even learn how to offer payment plans that will make necessary repairs easy and affordable for your homeowner.

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