Snapshot Survey
Author: | December 29th, 2023

HVAC Tips for Winter | EGIA Contractor University

Snapshot Survey Results | HVAC Tips for Winter and Business Challenges

In the December 2023 Snapshot Survey, we asked contractors their best HVAC tips for winter as they prepare for the busy season and how they overcome the unique challenges of winter. Here’s one survey question and its results from the “Winter HVAC Business Challenges” summary report, which will be available in its entirety to EGIA members on 1/22/24.

What are the most common challenges you face in the winter? (Select all that apply)

EGIA Snapshot Survey - Winter Challenges

The survey reveals that the most common winter challenge for HVAC businesses is “Scheduling and time management” (35%), followed by “Handling emergency calls” (23%) and “Managing increased demand” (13%). Notably, 28% of respondents do not face unique challenges in winter.

The prominence of scheduling and time management issues reflects the seasonal spike in HVAC demands, particularly in regions with harsh winters, where heating systems are crucial. The need to handle emergency calls, often due to heating failures, further stresses the importance of responsive service in colder climates. The regional weather differences across the United States significantly impact these challenges. For instance, businesses in the Northeast and Midwest likely face more demand surges and emergency calls compared to those in milder Southern states.

This regional variation necessitates tailored business strategies, with northern HVAC companies possibly requiring more robust winter preparedness plans. The 28% of businesses not facing unique winter challenges likely operate in regions with milder winters, where heating needs are less critical, illustrating the diverse operational landscapes across the country.

Here’s what an HVAC contractor from Michigan said in the survey:

“The Michigan weather has been a recent challenge throughout the entire year. This whole year the temps have been mild and not really making customers feel the need to improve their equipment because they haven’t had the need to really use it. During slower times we really like to focus on our growth and training as a team. We have been fortunate enough to be able to keep all of team busy with shop improvements when the calls are down.”

Contractor University members can click here to access all of our educational resources on seasonality as well as other subjects to continue growing your team’s collective knowledge.